Monday, August 31, 2009

A sneak peak of a couple of new tattered couture style adorned bags on the way into the shop. :)
In Style...
bonzie & ger

Monday, August 24, 2009

Hi Gals.........

Its been a crazy week!! We had a blast with our TV gig, and we are really looking forward to sharing that with you all when its screened. As with most media gigs, its not up for sharing just yet until the station have their go first but for sure we will be blogging it, facebooking it and youtubing it when it does air, so there will be lots of opportunities to see it.

Ger and I are generally very shy with regards to photos etc so it was a nailbiting experience to be filmed by a National TV station and we have been on a come down ever since.

We took our etsy shop off Vacation Mode and reopened for business and quite literally the floodgates opened up! *note to self : never a good idea to take a week off etsy!!! The week after is a minefield of convoing, catching up on orders, shipping and all out general mayhem while we catch up on ourselves again!

Oh, we also sent a big box of goodies up to an Irish Bridal Magazine in Dublin so we are very excited to see how that works out and we will of course be sure to share the results with you when they hit the shelves.

Meanwhile back at the ranch we got a fabulous email from one of our delightful clients, Carina ( yes that's the girl one of our boleros is named after!) and she recently had an opportunity to write a review in Viva La Moda magazine, we were blown away by what Carina wrote about her experience with us and it literally brought a tear to my eye to know that something we do with our hands can mean so much to others. Its a lovely reminder of how grateful we are to be earning a living with our creativity.

Thank you sincerely to Carina. xxx
bonzie & ger

Friday, August 7, 2009

Well gals a vacation sound like fun right now!! However, we have been given some very exciting news about 2 awesome projects coming up in the Irish Media and we have been working on preperations in the studio for both items.

Our wee "bonzie" store on has just been placed in vacation mode to give us a better chance of focusing in the studio on preps for both events. All will be returned to normal within a week and we hope to meet all your bolero and couture needs again soon. :)

For now its all systems go and busyville for a week, its all very exciting in the bonzie studios at the moment and we are looking forward to sharing our news with you all soon. xxx

bonzie & ger
ps, leaving you guys with another of my fathers new images in the hope of attracting a bit of calm and composure during a busy time! :)


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