Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Tea Couture!

For many of you who know me your already aware that I have been spending the last year turning a pretty normal small irish bungalow into a modern contemporary open plan home. Its been a rollercoaster of events, many bumps along the way (lots of whining) and needless to say the living conditions have been very creative throughout this whole process!!! (insert nervous laugh here)

My mom and dad often visit bringing goodies to help lighten the mood and the other day my mom hit the nail on the head when she brought these beautiful mugs along to have a decent cuppa tea from. Being an Irish lass our tea is very important and over the last month tea in my house has tasted of a variety of things from paint stipper to glue to varnish, you name it my fella has probably mixed it up in one of our cups!!! lol

So the new poppy mugs are making the most gorgeous cup of tea here and everyone is commenting on what a nice cup of tea I make (I don't though, its the cups you see, but shhhhhhh don't tell anyone!) ;)





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