Monday, May 18, 2009

Brilliant News!

Some time ago we mentioned that we had a very cool surprise coming up and we couldn't quite talk bout it until it launched online so as not to ruin the surprise for everyone.............. well today that little secret was revealed and we are just so excited to share some really brilliant news with you all.

The lovely folk over at (where our wee online boutique resides) have elected us to be the featured sellers on the front page of etsy for our very own time in the spotlight. We were so chuffed when we heard about the feature and its been so tough keeping it a surprise, especially when its such exciting news. We have had a crazy couple of weeks prepping for the feature and today was the first day of its presence online.

We would love to say a big thanks to all of our online pals who jumped in with messages of support and warm wishes, we felt very special receiving all of your good vibes. :)
With Love........
bonzie & ger

Heres a link to the article if you fancy a browse at the interview.



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