Saturday, February 20, 2010

Adele Elizabeth one of the Artists in Miss Kiki Salon

Songstress Gabby Young, official muse of Miss Kiki Salon

We are both very excited to be sharing some awesome news with you all today. We have been invited to participate in a hot new London Art Collective called Miss Kiki Salon. Launched recently as part of London Fashion Week, Miss Kiki Salon has been described by the press as the next "Bloomsbury" generation.
"A collaborative concept designed to celebrate and promote the work of emerging artists, photographers, illustrators, poets, musicians, writers and philosophers in new and compelling ways. Our early collaborations have brought together a collection of exceptional talents to form the beginnings of a new art/fashion/performance concept that is initiating a new and exciting movement in art and culture. " ............Miss Kiki
We are so excited about this new move for Bonzie Designs and look forward to bringing you future news of our collaborative efforts, watch this space. :)
Follow Miss Kiki Salon on Facebook here
Official Website here



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