Friday, April 9, 2010

Ger and I enjoying selling from our stall at the Style Fair. It was a really terrific experience to interact with our customers ( especially given the fact that all of our client relationships are carried out online) so getting positive feedback was really wonderful. Our stall was parked right next to "Dirty Fabulous" an absolute stunning vintage store from Dublin run by another fun loving duo Cathy and Caroline, we really enjoyed their company for the weekend and look forward to bringing you all another post about their fabulous "Dirty Fabulous" Brand! ( and their recent tragedy at DF headquarters in Dublin!)

A lady commented that our stall was like being transported to a Parisian boutique from days gone by (which we loved!) and overall it was an experience that we are looking forward to repeating again next year! Run by the uber stylish, stunning and talented Blanaid Hennessey (of everything was pulled off effortlessly, you can check out more about the aftermath of the event at Cathy Lawsons ( gorgeous gurl!) fabulous Irish Style Blog "The Style Strutter"
more pics to follow of this fabulous event!!



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