Sunday, February 17, 2008

Tatter Couture

Every once in a while I get so busy in the studio on private commissions that I don't get a lot of time to devote to my firstborn (my etsy online boutique! lol) This really begins to bother me after a short while as Ireally feel that the shop gets stagnant and all the wonderful gals who stop by from time to time must be feeling somewhat dissappointed when things don't get shaken up a little. Hence this cream tatter skirt was born.

I decided to step out of the studio deadlines for 1 day and devote my time to creating something new for my etsy shop. This had major theraputic value as it gave me a change from the run of dance costumes that I am currently buried under!! lol It also allowed me to add a change into the etsy shop which was beginning to show mould from sitting unattended for a long while!

Perhaps I could request an extra day in the week to devote purely to new and exciting projects to keep the my etsy presence fresh! ;)


have a great week you guys.




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