Sunday, May 11, 2008

Exciting News!

Ok, you know how the saying goes, everything happens in threes! well this month thats exactly what happened. I was approached by 3 magazines to do an editorial on my "Bonzie" label, which I sell in my etsy online boutique, here!

I was blown away by this news and am just bursting for the day when Im heading down do the corner shop to pick up the editions with my pieces inside! When this happens my mam goes round the town with a copy strategically placed under her arm for the day, just in case she bumps into anyone that she can tell! lol

I don't want to out the publications yet until the features break in case they have a discreet policy on what coming out in future issues. so it will be fun to blog about them when they are out.

I was also asked to take a profile shot for one of them and as a "runner away from camera" person I had to bite the bullet and try.

well it came out fine, that isuntil I went a bit crazy in photoshop and added all kinds of mystic and artistry! I kinda like it now! To me it kind of reflects the quirky nature of my label too!

so stay tuned for magazine coverage!





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