Sunday, June 15, 2008

New Shop!

So, I have been tossing around the idea of how I could extend my love of surface textures and detailed embellishments and I decided to open another etsy shop called Anood for all my other sewing projects such as cushions, homewares, art quilts, bags , art etc. Basically anything that inspires me and gives me the freedom to embellish and empty canvas!

I found the first night of having 2 etsy accounts absolutely dizzying! I honestly don't know if I will get used to swapping accounts, chatting in the forums and being in the wrong avatar etc! its crazy confusing. Round about now would be an awesome time for an assistant.... any takers?



Competition Update:
The entry for this comp is now closed, thanks to everyone who entered, I
will be posting the winner in the morning! ;)



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