Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A present for me!

So Im browsing through etsy the other evening (as ya do!) and I was researching for a new blog and came accross a wonderful seller called Morashajewelry. I just adore her style of work, it really compliments my signature time worn look and I fell head over heels with the leather cuff above. Its a fact that I don't ever wear commercial style jewelry, the type you see shining and gleaming in a jewelry shop but I do really love anything rustic, time worn, gypsyesque and this cuff was everything I enjoy for my own personal use. I know that there are still one or two of these babies to whip up so if you fancy one for yourself you can get one here.

The designer also sent me a message after purchasing and to top off an already perfect buy she was a really sweet person too! (THIS is exactly why etsy is so special, that client/seller bond that often happens, it really personal and just works!)


thanks for your creativity Morahsa.



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