A while back I mentioned about some really awesome news that I was really excited about. I wanted to share this with you guys to keep you informed with whats going on with the label each step of the way. :)
At a point along the way I had realized that doing absolutely everything alone was a bit of a task. designing, constructing, emailing, shipping, wrapping, marketing, sourcing, buying....yada, yada, yada, the list goes on but you get the drift! I was longing for someone to share the experience with, sombody with the same obsessive passion for it as me, someone as anal about "the look" and the finish as me and someone mostly who I could rely on and could share the journey with. As fate would have it that somone was under my nose all along. In fact the lady I asked to join me was no other than the very person who inspired me to start creating in the first place way back when I was too young to even hold a scissors! My Auntie Ger, one of my Dads younger sisters. Ger has joined the "Bonzie" starship enterprise as my partner, my rock, my other half and head of production. Ger is also a fully qualified designer and tailor bringing years of bridal experience, in fact we joked at the beginnning about how we are now like yin and yang, Im a fan of randomness and Ger is a fan of precision and between the two of us we are creating some interesting new pieces and bubbling with plans for developing the label.
Its so lovely to have someone to share such an awesome experience with and I can't think of anyone I would rather be sharing it with. Even during times of stress and impending deadlines we manage a giggle. Recently on the day that I was heading to Kerry for the recent bridal mag photoshoot we had a bit to do on one of the pieces that contained hundreds of handmade corsages, we were working literally against the clock and both of us on the studio floor sewing beading in a frenzy... needless to say hysteria kicked in and we were so stressed we got into a fit of the giggles, rolling around on the floor covered in organza until I decided that wasn't funny enough and stood on the pot of pearls ( the one that Ger keeps with THOUSANDS in it) which went rolling all over the floor, there we were now in a sea of pearls, organza, and both of us in the foetal position laughing hysterical, all the while this skirt was still sitting unfinished on the mannequin and time was running out! To finish it off I then decided that it would be a good idea to sew the skirt right through the mannequin cover so that we couldn't even get it off, at this point Ger was purple in the face and choking on the giggles.
Its the days like these that make be a design duo absolutely fabulous!
I hope you guys welcome Ger to the blog too and I want to thank her for bringing her drive and passion to something that means so much to me.
Welcome Ger!!!! Heres to a fabulous year!