Monday, December 22, 2008

Today my sis joined me for the day and we decided to spend the time together having a bit of fun and doing our own photoshoot. It was her first time modelling for pics and I think she did a really cool job. I got some new snaps of our newest Pierrot range for the shop. ;)

At the last shot she turned to me and said she felt she was going to be sick, I thought she was joking as she had one of the wedding dresses on at the time and I looked again and a freaky shade of green took over her face and we frantically stripped her out of the dress while she ran for cover. Poor girl, who knew she was feeling so poorly, such nice shots from a very sick model.

Well, we are all about the glamour here folks. lol
Thanks Sis. xx

( You certainly hit the cute genes lottery in our wee family. :)



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