Friday, December 26, 2008

Santa Came to Us too!

Hi guys,

We have been very excited over the Christmas, we got a very special christmas gift this year and we are working on it at the moment. We now have our very own website which we are hoping to launch very soon. Its got a very bonzie-esque feel to it.

At the end of 2008 we decided there where a few goals for the new year and tops on our list was our own website. Its on the way guys, we are looking forward to sharing it with you all.

We are taking a chill back with our families this week to enjoy the holidays, but as always we are "Bustin" to get back into the studio with some new projects coming online for the new year. ;) I love this time of year, I love the anticipation of a clean slate, of new things and opportunities presenting themselves in the near future, the laws of attraction being set in full swing for 2009! ( We are big fans of "The Secret")

Heres to an awesome new year, filled with lots of good karma. xxx

bonzie & ger



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