Saturday, March 21, 2009

Gals, we were so excited when we received our clients Lindsey's photographs! I just love the rawness, the edgyness of these and had to check out the photographer that Lindsey worked with.

Talented photographer John Yates of is a stunning artist creating very distinctive work with a deconstructed edge, and urban sensibilities!

We had no idea Lindsey was such a great model herself and turns out she also has a rockstar boyfriend and wore our piece to a concert the Saturday she received it. I love to hear the personal stories of the new owners of our work, it really gives us a sense of the global reach of the internet and the journey that our pieces take after they leave the studio!

Thanks to Lindsey Farrar for sharing her stunning modelling pics with us all and to John for taking such cool work!

In Style..............

Bonzie & Ger



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