Wednesday, March 18, 2009

So in honor of the day that is green we wanted to wish you all a very Happy St Patricks Day . We hope you all enjoyed it yesterday wherever you were and whatever you got up to. We both enjoyed a day off without any sewing which was a much needed break. I know a lot of you were "wetting the shamrock" yesterday so I can assume the collective hangovers today are in full swing!
We awoke to find out that we had been featured on "Brendas Wedding Blog" as part of a collection of green pieces to introduce into your wedding theme. This feature brought us a wonderful new client Allyson who whipped up the green silk wrap that was featured for her own wedding. All round a lovely outcome and hopefully it will bring the luck of the Irish to her special day too given the day it was bought on.

If your a discerning bride you simply must visit Brendas Blog, its an absolutely stunning visual resource of all things bridal not to mention all things stylish. Check it out here.
Bonzie & Ger



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