Thursday, April 2, 2009

Client Corner ~ Wendy

Wendys Book!
One of our favourite things about selling online is finding out a little bit bout the destination of the piece we have just packaged up, who its going to, where its going to be worn, whats the occasion. This is where Wendy steps in! Wendy has a fascinating background and we clicked immediately..............

Wendy Gillissen (Delft, 1969) has always been fascinated by dreams and the supernatural. After graduating as a Clinical Psychologist, she specialized in dreamwork and past life therapy. The urge to write and her love for the world of castles, elves and ghosts stem from the time she was five years old and her parents first took her to the ancient hills of England, Scotland and Wales.
After an inspiring visit to the Greek island of Kefalonia in 2005, Wendy began writing Curse of the Tahiéra. Curse of the Tahiéra is a spiritual fantasy novel in which dreams, reincarnation and shamanism are woven into a thrilling adventure.It is a journey through haunted forests, through dreams and time; a story about love, magic and the power of forgiveness.
The Dutch edition was published in December 2008. The English edition of Curse of the Tahiéra is planned for May 2009.Wendy also makes jewellery inspired by ancient cultures, and in her spare time she plays the Celtic harp.

Some woman for one woman! (as we say round here) A creative soul that we were very drawn to. Wendy purchased a corset from us some time ago and as luck would have it we had a matching skirt in stock which would have been cruel to seperate from its buddy so we gifted it to Wendy. As Karma kicked in Wendy ended up rocking the ensemble on the cover of her book and we were chuffed to bits! This is one of those stories whereby a piece leaves our studio in Ireland, begins its own journey and has its own place in the world. Its always fun to know the destination of our creations, it makes the shipping more enjoyable!

The skirt above is Wendys latest purchase and is destined for a renaissance fair in the states! Its just a real shame these pieces dont need to be hand delivered ;)

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Bonzie & Ger



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