Friday, January 8, 2010

The Big Freeze

Killalone Church, Waterford Rd, Co.Tipperary

Lake Mora, Comeragh Mountains, Co.Waterford

Thomas's Bridge, FerryHouse,Clonmel,Co.Tipperary

FrenchMan's Stream, Wilderness Grove, Clonmel, Co.Tipperary (mybirthplace)

Guys, for those of you who are not from Ireland I thought it might be intersting to post up a couple of my Dad's recent captures of the stunning weather we are having here recently. The News is reporting "The Big Freeze" as the worst Winter we have had in 30 years and its playing havoc on the country's logistics and transportation and sadly causing a lot of accidents, but it's an absolute playground for a budding photographer!

My Fave is the eerie graveyard Dad!
psssssst. if you like photographs and would like to follow my Dad's uploads he has an account for photo sharing at





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