Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Book News!

Corner of our studio!!!!!!


There are some very exciting developments afoot for team Bonzie in 2010, all of which we will be keeping you all posted as soon as they come to fruition.

Well that time has arrived for one such project that we have been keeping under our caps ( been a tough time not spilling the beans on this as we have been totally excited about it) and we are delighted to share the news with you all.

Jo Packham, Jenny Doh, and Lark Crafts have created a stunning Book called "Where Women Create: Book of Inspiration", a veritable feast of creative inspiration, sharing the workspaces of a collective of very talented Women in the artistic community. We were honored to be featured in the book and overjoyed to see our wee studio on the front cover too!

The book will be available to buy in April 2010, we will be sure to let you guys know where you can snag your very own copy. In the meantime we are looking forward to running a blog giveaway for a free signed copy. Keep an eye out for the giveaway, coming soon. :)

A huge Thank You to Jenny Doh for her continued support of our label, your our very own fairy godmother! xxx Another huge Thank You to our top notch photographer buddy Shane O'Neill, your work has always produced such positive results for us! We are in your debt buddie!

Well done to all the artists involved, it was a pleasure to be involved in such a wonderful publication, a first for us!
bonzie & ger



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