Friday, March 19, 2010

Just a quick reminder to hop straight on over to Jenny Doh's blog to enter into the competition for your very own copy of
Where Women Create:Book of Inspiration
I also wanted to take this opportunity to send out a heartfelt thank you to our regular blog readers who went over to leave a comment ( I recognised lots of you gals! :) Your support feeds our creativity on a daily basis! We were truly blown away by all of your messages and comments of kindness to the whole team involved in the book, all the artists involved are really proud and excited to be working with Jenny and Jo and its such a lovely thing to see such positive feedback and excitement about the project
Also very excited to let any of our locals in Waterford Ireland know that the book is due to hit the shelves of "The Book Centre" in John Roberts Square next week, especially flown in from the US for our Irish pals and my mam. :)
Labels: bonzie, book of inspiration, cuff, handmade, jenny doh, victorian, vintage, where women create
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