Friday, October 17, 2008

Press Happenings!

Hi guys,

So after a long absense we are slowly returning to a more normal pace and hopefully getting stuck into more studio based work and regular updates while photo shoots and deadlines along with personal stuff took centre stage for a wee while.

We were pleasantly surprised (insert the word shocked here) to find an email from none other than the fashion editor from the daily mail informing us that they chose a piece from our line in our etsy shop to feature in an article about etsy and the wonderful world of web shopping!

I was blown away to find that articles like that can just surface like that out of the blue and they made a very dull monday something to smile about. ;)

I took some snaps of the paper to share it with you guys, not sure if its even legible but even to see it is fun too!

I hope your all keeping well, I have missed the chats and hope to keep you informed this week of all the goings on over the last manic week.





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