Friday, October 31, 2008
For ages now I have watched in shear wonder at the tagging epidemic to hit blogland in recent years and wondered how I had managed to surf just under the radar, that is until recently. In the last 10 days I have been tagged 3-4 times by lots of gorgeous blogland pals. The very talented EmmaLamb was the most recent and I am going to rock this post out with the obligatory 7 things you might not know bout me as per the tag request. ( will throw in some Ger refrences for good measure too as we are now the fearsome twosome. ;)
1. I love all things RANDOM, I'm insanely against anything too pristine,perfect or symmetrical. I love things to be a little off centre, a bit quirky and with a bit of a sporadic finish ( Ger on the other hand, loves precision, fine tuning, and perfection. ;) really its just a case of yin and yang here now, we balance each other out. (thankfully Gers aversion to tatter is subsiding and I may have created a monster folks. lol
2. My favourite food is curry, even though I was rared on a typical Irish diet of boiled veg and spudz. I always gravitate towards spicy food, love flavour and really enjoy tasting foods from all different cultures. Ger loves chocolate and even manages to sneak in a bit every day, despite being fabulously taut and trim. grrrrr!
3. My favourite music would have to be songs from the musicals, I LOVE musicals, Les Miserables, Phantom, Miss Saigon, I would safely say its my ideal and most perfect night out. When my beaux and I went to New York in the Spring, our fave memory was the night on Broadway at Phantom. :) I know that Ger enjoys a big variety of music and recently went to Jack L's concert at home. We both enjoy a spot of Michael Bublé too though when we are working together in the studio.
4. I spent years dancing in my Twin Aunts Dance Studio, performing around the country as part of a dance troupe. I was also a Colour Guard in a local marching band which I can safely say were some of the best years of my life. Ger was an avid gymnast when she was younger and has been a bonafida yogi now for about 10 years. Seriously guys there is not a single part of that womans body that she hasn't seen from 6 different angles. Shes my very flexible friend. :)
5. I have an unhealthy addiction to Lucozade. Its bubbly and sweet and fizzy and orange and .............mmmmmmmm (sorry you lost me there for a moment) well I don't smoke or have any other nasty addictions (not counting in my work of course) so whats a girl to do. Gers addiction, hmm let me think about this one.... yup .. that would have to be the ol Coffee. We had a joke recently in the studio when we were tackling a very tricky studio custom order and I had handed it over to the voice of reason at this stage. We both knew it was gonna be a tricky one and she looked at me with this dead pan look on her face and gently stated. Im gonna need a coffee for this one...... well I had to laugh, I said if thats all you need to get that number finished Ger I will gladly bring a bucket of the stuff up here.
6. I cry EVERY TIME I see "City of Angels", "The Notebook" and "Watership Down" ( the latter one is an old animation about a den of rabbits folks, it doesn't get much worse than that. lol) And yes Ger is equally as blubbery as me. Well we are family so Im blamin the genes.
7. Lastly............. I don't drive yet. * insert shame here* I have a long and painful block against driving and every year I promise myself I will do it this year. alas....... I never seem to get round to it. I cycle and walk everywhere. I have always lived in the centre of things so its never too far to get around. HOWEVER.... * insert drumroll here* I have been recently sussing out insurance quotes etc to get my very first car and hopefully I will be able to rock out in a Nissan Figaro, a ninetees concept car made using a retro 40's style shell, its absolutely beautiful and very in keeping with my antique longings. Ger on the other hand has been driving forever and is a dab hand with directions. * insert wink here* ;)
thanks for the tags everyone, Ihope you enjoyed those too.
Bonzie & Ger
Thursday, October 30, 2008

The funny thing with Color/Colour (I have to write both you guys, when I write it in the european way it looks like I can't spell to all my etsy pals) ;)
.........sorry as I was saying, the funny thing with the C word is that I am always drawn to muted out olde worlde colors as I mentioned before but now and again a bright and beautiful person comes along and orders a custom order that injects a real burst of color into the studio. It is actually very uplifting when this kind of piece is in the studio, in fact if I'm sitting at the work desk my eye keeps wandering across the room as if magnetically drawn to the piece on the mannequin in bright colors. It makes me ponder the fact that perhaps there is something in the whole color therapy phenomenon.... well it certainly does something to me for sure and this month I have Beth and Ash to thank for inspiring such a colorful project in a matching venetian burst set of wrap and bag. We are hoping to rock a few sets into the shop for Christmas as I think they would make a really special gift.
Saturday, October 25, 2008

Its arrived, one of the big secrets that I was holding in for ages until its launch was the arrival of the November/December issue of the incredibly stunning Belle Armoire Magazine. I have joined the team as a columnist for this awesome publication and bring you guys a Bonzie article monthly on the joys of tatter couture in all its deconstructed glory. For those of you who love all things worn, frayed yet beautiful why not bag your own copy here to read the Tatter Couture Article on Corsets.
I was super chuffed to learn that my piece was adorning the front cover of a magazine that I have admired for so long. For those of you who adore creativity, craft, and innovative design, Belle Armoire is a truly special resource of inspiration and stunning pieces to drool over. Here's hoping you like the Bonzie section too you guys. :)
bonzie & Ger
Labels: belle armoire, bonzie, corsetry, deconstructed, tatter
Monday, October 20, 2008
I wanted to share with you guys a wonderful client experience that we had recently with an absolutely gorgeous bride. Kat approached us to create a bolero for her wedding dress that would compliment her ensemble and we were honored to work with her on that.
Recently Kat got back in touch to share a pic of her on her wedding day that really made our day very special. I just love how this picture has caught Kat in such a state of happiness and obvious joy on her wedding day. I think she looks really stunning in her ensemble and we are so happy to have been a part of that day for Kat.
Thanks for sharing with us Kat some of the positivity you enjoyed on your day too! :) We would both like to take this opportunity to wish you and your new hubby a really magical life together and heres hoping our little bolero brought you guys the luck of the Irish too!
bonzie and Ger
Friday, October 17, 2008
Hi guys,
So after a long absense we are slowly returning to a more normal pace and hopefully getting stuck into more studio based work and regular updates while photo shoots and deadlines along with personal stuff took centre stage for a wee while.
We were pleasantly surprised (insert the word shocked here) to find an email from none other than the fashion editor from the daily mail informing us that they chose a piece from our line in our etsy shop to feature in an article about etsy and the wonderful world of web shopping!
I was blown away to find that articles like that can just surface like that out of the blue and they made a very dull monday something to smile about. ;)
I took some snaps of the paper to share it with you guys, not sure if its even legible but even to see it is fun too!
I hope your all keeping well, I have missed the chats and hope to keep you informed this week of all the goings on over the last manic week.
Friday, October 10, 2008
We are working on adding a darker vein to the collection this season as winter and halloween approach. In actual fact I have seen a wee rise in the number of brides looking for dark/black wraps and boleros to compliment ivory/white wedding dresses. This is a really interesting alternative bridal trend emerging and brings a whole new meaning to the term, black tie wedding!
Gals, Ger and I are heading up the country this Sunday for another photoshoot adventure with a bust of more stock! It is staged at an antique manor estate which I am burstin to see. I love haunted olde worlde Manor Houses! The decor , the atmosphere, the wallpaper! lol
I am really looking forward to a roadtrip and feels a bit like an adventure coming on! I will keep you posted how it goes.
Bonzie & Ger
Monday, October 6, 2008
Lately I have been really drawn to velvet as a fabric. I seem to be searching it out, rooting through piles to come up with some vintage velvets to work with. One of the newest editions to the shop has been our new velvet tudor style boleros with theatrical sized corsage embellishment. I am looking forward to rocking these babies out in Gold, ivory, grey, merlot, red, fawn, teal.......... basically any colour I can get my hands on in a rich sumputous velvet.
This piece is also going to debut in a really awesome PR piece very soon! !! stay tuned. ;)
Bonzie & Ger
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