Thursday, November 27, 2008

Client Corner.

Lately we have been very fortuanate to have worked with some really special clients for their wedding accoutrement's. Many of these ladies have returned to share pics of their special day with us and we have been collecting up all these images and we thought it would be nice to share them with you. We decided to have a post on the blog each week dedicated to "Client Corner" to share some of the inspirational images that come back to us through our etsy clients.
The pic shown above is from an absolutely fabulous bride who we worked with a wee while ago for a vintage inspired shrug. I adore the photo and how it has captured such a natural looking couple on such an amazing day, I love the ethereal nature of this shot! The photographer for the day was Nadia Anderson, a lady with a gifted eye for style! The whole shot has such an editorial quality to it, truly like a fashion spread for vogue, I'm thinking the fact that our client looks like a model and has a fabulously handsome beau helps somewhat too ;)
Thank you guys for sharing this with us both, it is so uplifting to see our creations in real life situations, heres to a magical future for you both.
we are looking forward to sharing more of these client snaps in future too.
Bonzie & Ger



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